Thursday, October 11, 2007

U.S. Marine Recruitment

I believe that the Marine Corps decided to make the Marine Corps website look like it was just a positive thing to join because they thought it would make peoplethink that it a really good decision to to join. Even though it is a very noble thing to join the Marines it is a fighting force and there are some very hard and scary situations that you might have to deal with. I'm not sure if I think it is fair for them to have designed the website how they did, because it is almost false advertising. They have every right to tell about how the Marine's provides many possibilties and is a possible solution for people to have success, but I believe they also need to explain the hardships that come along with it.


The marines made the website in that style because it appeals to someone who doesnt know what they're doing with their life. Thye figured if they make the marines seem like a perfect opprituinity it'll make guys and girls right out of high school want to sign up, espeically if they're not a bad fan of school and dont see college in the future. The marines say its a challenge because not every goes through something like the marines and makes it out, and if you do make it out and end up moving up in the marine world you have the chance of becoming successful.

United States Marine Corps

I believe that the Marines chose to put this spin on the website so that it appeals more to the audience. The website says that the Marines is for young adults who are "seeking a challenge and there opportunity to become a success." This make the advertisement seem as though the audience will be benefiting themselves and working towards their own goals, when in reality the Marines will benefit from the addition of new members and they have their own agenda. This article s used to get people who are motivated and ready for a challenge to consider the Marines when they might not have otherwise. They are appealing to the audiences emotions through this message. The website does not portray what It take mentally of physically o be in the marines.

Marine Corps Recruitment

I think that the web site creators framed the problem the way they did because it gives hope to those who do not have any thing other to look to. Even though the Marines is a fight force the web site does not focus on that. they decide to focus on all the positive aspects of joining the Marines. It give a great alternative to those who may not want to go to college or want to experience something different. Either way, it is a persuasive way to get people to join "that want an opportunity to become a success."

Marine Corps Recruitment

If you show young adult something in a certain manner, we believe what we see. We are nieve human beings at our age and are easily manipulated by our elders. When people see "Seeking a challenge" they may take it in as a test to be someone better then most. In my eyes the marines are a very elite group of fighters. The keyword in that is "fighters," they are created to be weapons used by our government. How can they use the word "benefits" to consume young adult to believe that it is a great idea to join the marines so they will get more out of life then most others. In the "cutting edge" section of the webpages, you see a marine in a picture who looks very serious and strong. No where in any of these sections do they speak about the dangers and problems that could come from being in the Marines or any other branches of the armed forces.

All in all, the creators who made these webpages did a great job capturing your attention and making you believe the marines are something above the rest. In my eyes they may be above the rest, but not in any way that i would persue that prestigious title.

Nixon interstate highway system

The main portion of this exerp that stands out to me is the portion talking about the truck convoys. It seemed a little unnecessary for these trucks to have to travel huge distances in large amounts of time. This causes many problems in businesses and individuals lives. Also the talk about the billions of hours of detours and traffic jams, should be put to an end shows that the vice president has given in depth thought about the problem.

Another bit of evidence that stands out to me is the point about the atomic war. If we were to have to mass evacuate everyone, we would all be stuck in traffic due to the lack of distance we can travel in the small roads we do have to work with. Since the vice president is a regular person too, he may see he problems that could arise in normal peoples lives from the small travel space we had in america.

U.S. Marine Corps Recruitment

I think the creators of the website are trying to get new people to join and not have them look at the website and see the negative things and get turned off. I think they want to look past the fighting and show everyone what else is involved in the Marines. The creators are telling us about the benefits of being a Marine and even if you are married your family gets medical insurance and the choice to live on-base. Some of the people that join the Marines are have a troubled past and showing the postitive things makes them want to change their life around and be successful.