Monday, October 15, 2007

A Trail of DNA and DATA

I think Saffo know that technology can not be outlawed but he wants the public to be aware of the causes and wants people to be safe. Technology is taking away people's identities. He would like to see more privacy and restrictions on the way technology is used. Saffo would like to fix the fraud problem but not necessarily put an end to technology since everything is centered around technology.


A way Saffo might answer to a critic who says "You can't outlaw technology; the technology will get out there anyway.", would be that he is not trying to get rid of technology, but for people to be aware of the dangers that technology can lead to. Saffo is saying that the solution is to change the policies. By making a more protective and more descriptive policy. Saffo talks about the dangers of DNA identity, but knows that it can not be stopped. Although, if the restrictions are set, then it could reduce the chances of fraud that Saffo implies will happen.

A Trail of DNA and Data

I think that Saffo's response would be one that says that the technology is not necessarily the problem, but that it is the people who misuse it that are the problem. He does not specifically think that the technology itself should be outlawed, but there should be certain restrictions on how it is used. He would argue that the public should not have access to this technology or be able to use it for their own means. This is how it would be misused for personal advantage or identity theft. I think that Saffo realizes that the technology will "get out there," but he thinks that it should only be used in certain ways, by certain people.

A Trail of DNA and Data

Saffo knows that technology cannot completely be outlawed and he does not necessarily want it to, he just wants to find a way to make sure that we cannot be stripped of our identies by using technology. He only wants to protect the people from potential fraud since we know that technology will soon be the focal point of our world. He doesnt want to eliminate technology all together he is just anticipating the problems that may occur if we are run solely on technology. He wants to fix the problems with the technology and find ways to make them secure enough that crooks cannot hack their way in.

Response for Wednesday: Saffo

2. How might Saffo answer a critic who might say, "You can't outlaw technology; the technology will get out there anyway"?

A trail of DNA and Data

I believe that Saffo would not approach that situation with a retaliation but instead he would simply say that he does not want to outlaw the technology, but instead create a way to make sure that it is not fraudulantly used. I for one believe that the technology sounds cool, but like Saffo i see the darker side of this type of technology. How can we trust society with High tech equipment, and better yet how can we expect these devices not to be the demise of us. Imagine all this technology allowing criminals a better chance to take your identy and steal your very life. Saffo just wants to give you the ability to sit back and wonder, instead of someone stealing your Social Security number, they could steal your entire life.

DNA technology

I think that Saffo is perfectly aware of this statement. It is addressed in the essay that he is not trying to outlaw the technology. As it states in the final paragraph, he is only trying to reform current technologies so that when the new technology does come, it can be created in such a way that will prevent potential fraud. He comments that there will be many ways to get around the new technology, resulting in a high amount of theft, which will cost everyone more money. He does not want to prevent new technology, but only protect everyone in the future.