Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Fourth if July: Morgan Mingo

Douglas doesn't argue the pints of slavery because it is a known truth that slavery is wrong and should not occur. Douglas's aim in the speech is not to argue whether slavery is right or wrong, it is to get other Americans to to realize the damage the have done and to show them that their actions are not acceptable. He does this by recalling the christian faith this nation was brought up on, and to recall the history of our nation and how the colonist fought the English to be free. He is trying to get the people to realize that slaver is wrong, but the people who let it be and continue to go on are just as responsible as slave owners.

1 comment:

slatkovic said...

I agree with what is said here. Douglass is not trying to correct what happened in the past, he wants everyone to realize that it was wrong and prevent it from reoccuring in the future. He knows that everyone has morals and when time to test them they chose to follow the crowd and were just as guilty as those who held slaves.