Friday, November 2, 2007


Although Cain's article was published over ten years ago, I feel that what she discusses still holds true in today's society. Women are encouraged by societal elements, such as Barbie and supermodels, to be extremely skinny. They learn to feel bad about themselves or be ashamed if they do not have the perfect figure. I know that as a child I always wished that I could grow up to look exactly like Barbie. This view of the ideal woman is not something that is going to change drastically overnight, but I do feel that we have progressed a little since then. Plus-size models are struggling to be accepted, and are slowly changing the mainstream views. I think that it is a great thing that women are learning to accept the way they look without feeling like they need to change their appearance in order to fit in.


schwewa said...

I know what you mean, when I was a kid I admired Barbie, and wanted to be just like her too. I also agree that women nowadays are finally accepting their figures.

slatkovic said...

I agree that women nowadays are beginning to accept their figures. However the media needs to help the situation too. We need to stop advertising the skinny, flawless look that drives many to eating disorders. There is never a delicate balance because girls often look sickly skinny, too skinny to be healthy and we need to stop showing that its okay to see your ribs in a bathing suit.

Gabby Henskens said...

I think it's also great how women are starting to accept their figures, people need to realize looking like barbie isn't going to happen often, and it's totally ok.

Kwiles said...

I argee, girls see the photos in magazines and feel bad since they do not look like that. I think it is good that women are starting to not care so much of how other people think their body looks.