Friday, November 2, 2007


I think that the causal analysis still holds true today. Everywhere you look you see skinny models who have perfect bodies and perfect hair. No one is perfect and no one likes everything about their body, but the media doesn't portray that. Instead every magazine has models who are airbrushed, thin, and flawless. Barbie dolls are the same way. No girl should aspire to be skinny and perfect, because no one is. Those who make themselves skinny end up getting sick and doing more damage to their bodies than they realize all because they want to look thin and like a model. Our culture needs to stop advertising the perfect body and accept people as they are. People come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and we should not be forced to feel bad if we do not exemplify the look of the airbrushed models.


Katie D said...

I like how you point out that nobody is perfect, even if they seem so. If a woman, such as a model, looks like she has the perfect figure, there is a good chance that she has an eating disorder or at the very least isn't getting the proper nutrition and isn't healthy. Perhaps the "perfect" figure should be shown as a full, healthy figure.

Lucas Smith said...

What makes you think that if we stop advertising the perfect girl it will solve anything? Will not women still want to attract men? Just because it is not advertised does not mean men will stop being attracted to skinny women.