Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gangsta Rap

I do not think Dyson's real purpose is to evaluate te music on artistic principles. I think Dyson is evaluating where the music came from and how the music originated. He mentions how for some people rap music is hard to listen to because of all of the name calling. Rap music also sets up for people to stereotype due to the words the music uses and the images. He also mentions that some rap songs have history behind the song. Some artists show their feelings and explain their life and let out their anger in a song.


BrittG said...

I agree with what you are saying except for the fact that the rappers let out their anger in their songs. I believe that they are just trying to get out their stories. They are trying to let the "privledged" know of their practices and their culture.

jknox said...

I agree with the idea that Dyson is not evaluating the music itself in his essay. However, I disagree with you on the idea that he focuses on the origins of the music. I feel that he spends more time telling the reader about the rappers themselves and how they try to be representatives of the black community.