Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Dyson's real purpose in writing this evaluation is to evaluate the origin of the music. He discusses where the music came from and how the roots of the artists are what makes rap what it is. However, he also discusses the negative aspects of rap in such that it stereotypes and often puts people down. If people hear names such as bitches and hoes in the music, they are going to think it is okay to call people those names. Dyson is showing the crude material that is throughout rap music, but that is not all he is doing; he is also showing the positives of the music and how it tells some true stories and allows the writers to express where they are coming from and express themselves through music in a healthy way. This evaluation explores every side of the issue.


Katie D said...

I am not so sure that I agree when you say that Dyson is evaluating the origin of the music. I think that he really wants us to look at how it effects people in society today, and the good and bad aspects of it in popular culture. However, I agree that the author does explore all sides of the issue in order to make a fair evaluation.

Kwiles said...

I agree that Dyson is evaluating the where the music is coming from. He talks about that when he mentions the positive side and some of the songs are real life and that the stuff in the song has happened before.