Thursday, November 8, 2007

McNasty Article

Out of the criteria that Crane provided, I was most affected by when he was talking about the sandwich from Burger King. It's so true that fast food places will promote their "healthy options" and then when you order it, it comes out looking absolutely disgusting and basically uneatable. Another thing that seems to happen a lot is when you actually take the time the compare the calories between a salad from McDonalds or a Big Mac, there really is not that much of a difference. The truth is, anything you are going to get from a fast food place, is not going to be that healthy for you. If people are really worrying about losing weight and eating healthier, they just need to stay away from the fast food places all together, and go somewhere where they know they can get something that is actually good for you body.


Katie D said...

I know exactly what you mean about the food that you actually get when you order usually looks completely unappetizing. There is such a huge difference between the way something looks on a tv commercial and what you actually get, for example. I also agree that for people who are serious about eating healthy, the best option is to avoid fast food all together.

slatkovic said...

I agree that nothing you order from a fast food restaurant will be healthy. also, if people are trying to lose weight they need to stay away from fast food places.