Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Transitions Paragraph

In America, violence is everywhere. We see violence in the media, movies, television, and video games. Certainly, the biggest one is in the media, which makes it hard to get away from violence. In return the media makes Americans feel paranoid. Similarly, everyone is afraid of everyone else, like neighbors, classmates, coworkers, etc. So therefore, when we feel too afraid we resolve the problem with violence, normally with firearms. Although as Americans we believe that we are the best, and this is an attitude that has served us well throughout our existence. For example, if there is something wrong, whether or not it happens in our territory, we send ‘American troops’, ‘the best troops’, to resolve the problem. However, while we have this attitude of being the best, most do not realize that our neighbors up north, Canadians, are doing a better job with the crime rate. Canada’s crime rate is significantly lower than the U.S., because Canada has stricter firearm regulations than the U.S. Since these regulations exist, Canada does not have as much violence. Also, Canada does not have violence in their media. In return, Canadian’s are less afraid of each other, unlike Americans. In summary, the less violence there is in the media, then the less afraid people will be of one another.

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