Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Alman Hameed's journey

In reading this story, i have to say i got excited because i enjoy astronomy. Hameed started off giving you a visual of the beauty of the land he was in. The thing i noticed most about this story was that over the two days that Hameed traveled to The Canary Islands, he noticed how big our own world is. Some examples that led me to belive this come from the people he met. How each of them came from a different part of the world to study something as vast and infinite as the universe. Now, some can say that in the end we are wasting our time studying the universe, but Hameed shows you that in his journey he realized how vast and amazing our own planet is. I believe he documented mostly about the islands and the journey to those islands to show readers the journey he took to get to a small place in our gigantic world.

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