Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My audience Essay

When i began my article i started off looking through both perspectives. My essay is responding to the growing amount of people who play world of warcraft, along with the amount of teens that completely degrade people for playing it. I found this topic interesting because i myself play this game, but not to the same degree many others do. There are two kids on my floor that are refered to as WoW nerds, and to me that is a completely unnecessary name. We dont go around calling people football nerds or guitar nerds when they are good at something do we? The audience i chose was teenagers on a college campus, to inform them that maybe because someone is playing a video games, doesnt necessarily consitute them as a nerd.

Another reason i chose this as my audience comes from the initial reaction i got when people found out I played wow. Students seemed interested at first but once i tried to explain to them what the game was about, it seemed like they shunned me for playing it. If i can convince at least a few people to watch how they respond to kids who play video games, i will have served my purpose.

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