Friday, September 28, 2007

Life Without Health Insurance

Clark sites statistics that are readily available, and she is making a claim others have already made. Clark's own personal experience adds to this debate by making the argument more real to others. She states facts that have already been said, but by adding in her own personal experience, it really shows that this does happen, and it is not just another statistic. Most people may think by just reading the claim that others made, without personal experience, that it wouldn't happen to them. Therefore, since Clark did put her experience into the argument, it made it seem real, like it could happen to anyone, at least that's how it made me feel. I guess I wouldn't think about health insurance being an issue, but between the ages 18-25 with just starting your life, paying your own bills, it would be hard to afford insurance. Clark's experience with health insurance was very expensive, but like she said she was lucky. To have a chronic illness the bills would be overwhelming.

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