Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Orleans

Kelman article does contribute to the question of whether to rebuild the city. He states how the city has a quite some time, put itself in this unfortnate situation. It has relied on uncertain artifice to protect it from unpredictable environs. New Orleans lies well below sea level and is a shallow bowl basically, surrounded by many levees. His immiediate analysis is that New Orleans would be a very, very difficult rebuliding process and most likely shouldn't happen

1 comment:

jknox said...

Kelman definitely thinks that rebuilding New Orleans the way it was is a really bad and stupid idea. Certainly, new and improved systems of defenses against flooding need to be applied in order for New Orleans to survive. The events that followed Hurricane Katrina were definitely a result of a poor levee system and only the city is to blame for that. Kelman thinks that as of right now, rebuilding New Orleans is just a foolish idea.